Extrusion Modelling

Using the given template:

I have extruded the riffle to be 3-dimensional. 2430 polygons in total

However all the parts were too box- alike, each part separately has the same thickness from end to end. I didn't know how to manage them being different with using Extrusion tool. For round parts I extruded and beveled circles for desired shapes.

Buttons/screws (all except 8 at the butt) are stenciled or tunneled (accident) with drill tool. The frontal main body I also beveled tin the back one as well as the sides, just to look better. At last I coloured some parts.

Though it isn't noticeable, the parts aren't exactly in the middle, like a mirrored shape, some are off to one side. Some parts also aren't exactly in the places as shown on the reference above.

Next time I'll do something detailed I will reduce the grid snap if possible.