Box Modelling

By following the tutorial, I was meant to construct a hammer from a simple box. By pressing [Ctrl] I made a cube and divided it into parts in 'numeric' section. Then I pressed [TAB] to sub-patch (and making sure the sup-patch is in catmull-clark). I multishifted one side, then cut out smaller square made by multishift. By pressing [P] I created a polygon which then was rotated to the right shape and beveled into the head.

By multishifting the 6 polygons from behind I made a tail. With Band Saw Pro I divided the tail section into few parts and multishifted the very tip. By using bend tool and marking the range of influence I bent it to the bottom as well as shrank. I deleted the polygons in between and created new walls with [P].

I didn't realise before but I multishifted the tip one too much times. I had to delete and create polygons at the end multiple times until I solved it (without having to start from very beginning).

I then beveled and deleted the polygons at the bottom and sub-patched it as well to make a body/handle. I beveled more and divided with Band Saw Pro. I beveled the tip and the sides to make something interesting at the handle.

I also used edge bevel to sharpen some edges at the top. At last I coloured it by pressing [Q].

I was messing with Surface Editor of parts of the hammer.

I uploaded the texture for a handle, and changed the settings so it seemed like it was made from one wood piece.

The head was given a lot of specularity and glowiness so it started to look like a metallic surface.


Additionally I created Tardis by creating a box platform and beveling it from it. Then I added a cylinder at the top. It was much simpler, though I only kept it as it. The proportions aren't exactly right, neither is anything else.